dimecres, 28 de març del 2018


Aparentment, hi ha dos documentals sobre Midnight Oil en camí:

1. Midnight Oil 1984: centrat en les activitats del grup durant l'any 1984, un any marcat per la campanya política de Peter Garrett al front del NDP i per la sortida al mercat de l'àlbum Red Sails in the Sunset. Segons sembla, el documental es projectarà als cinemes australians durant el mes de maig.

 "A vivid portrait of the era and the songs that embodied it, MIDNIGHT OIL 1984 is the story of the sweat-soaked, hardworking rock and roll band whose music galvanised a generation of young Australians and inspired them to believe in the power of music to change the world.
Featuring the biggest hits from some of their most legendary shows, the movie gives you an Access All Areas pass to see the band behind the scenes and where the action is. Feel the electric energy on stage and witness the personal struggles of the band members as they try to balance the equally compelling demands of both music and politics when lead singer Peter Garrett decides to join the race for an Australian Government Senate seat.MIDNIGHT OIL 1984 is an up close and personal look at the iconic rock band, seen on the big screen for the first time."

Trailer:  https://www.madmanfilms.com.au/midnight-oil-1984/?utm_campaign=MidnightOil_FBPage_TrailerLaunch&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_content=video-trailer&utm_term=Midnight_Oil_Official

2. Midnight Oil Backburning. Aquest documental oferirà un retrat de la trajectòria de la banda posant èmfasi en els seus vincles amb l'evolució sociopolítica d'Austràlia. De moment no se'n coneixen dates d'estrena.
Informació:  https://www.screenaustralia.gov.au/sa/media-centre/news/2017/07-31-documentary-funding